Is this you?
- Money has been a bit of a playboy with you: hotcold, not present, flirting with everyone, never really choosing you
- You feel like its not ok to want/need more..
- Money makes you feel unsure.. not sure what to charge, not sure what to invest in, not sure if you can count on it
- You feel like there just isn't enough money for you to live the life you want to
- You feel empty when you get paid or make a promotion
- You are terrified to check your bank account
- You feel awkward when people pay you
- You think you need to work harder to get more money
- You were taught that money and spirituality dont go together, that money is superficial
- You actually want to apologise when you share with your clients what the investment will be
- You have a hard time claiming what you want (not just need)
What if I told you...
what turns on your lover is the same thing that magnetizes money to you?
wanna know how?..
The Deep Money Process
Get real with the shadows that are playing out in your lovership with money (hint: my signature archetypes!)
The feminine practice of money: deconditioning of forcing/pushing/getting money and embodying the superpower of desire and receiving
The masculine practice of money: Are you in integrity? Are the practicalities ready? Is it safe for money to come?
You will learn:
The feminine of money
the permission slip to want & need what you TRULY need to show up for this life
how to gently open to more
how to spend with joy & intention
how to receive money as a foreplay
how to trust, even in in the unknown
- feminine dominance, leading from the surrender
- The bringer of love
The masculine of money
- Quantum awareness
- How to charge your worth
- How to hold money integrity
- How to collapse time
- Taking responsibility for the exchange
- Being of this material world
- How to attract beyond what you thought is possible
- The bringer of freedom

I got you love!
My name is Sophie Josephina and I want to ignite you to what money truly is.
Cause damn, its so much deeper than you might think. Its one of the most profound energies to work with. Its such a beautiful tool to practice how much we can open even in the face of unknown, how much we are in integrity with our worth
And so many of us are still starving ourselves, cause wanting more goodness is somehow wrong..
And I've been there babe..
I know the maaaany layers of money conditioning.
â–¸ The spiritual new-agey conditioning that money is somehow less than or superficial. That needing something is a 'bad attachment'
â–¸ The ancestral conditioning that we all need to work very hard to make ends meet
â–¸ My parents conditioning of money being chaotic, sometimes in excess and sometimes totally lacking, money being something you should never count on
â–¸ My conditioning as a woman that I will always be paid less, that its rude to ask for more, that its good to not need, that Im a princess if I want more, that my man won’t feel like a man enough if I make more.. that it isnt safe to be wealthy because other women will hate you
â–¸ My internalized conditioning that I was 'bad' at money cause I didnt save enough
â–¸ Losing friends because 'who did I think I was for wanting so much'

But no... My lovership with money refused to be suppressed.

Ive always created money easily, cause I FELT it. I felt money, as a lover. A lover that always wanted to spoil me
My first year of this business I made 200k while chronically ill, burned out, and drowning in ADHD. Because I was working with the cosmos as my lover. And so there was chemistry, ease, play, fun, co-creation.
And I can tell you.. money is actually so not about money. Its about taking up space and engaging with life to the fullest of your expression. A reflection of how deeply we can say Yes to life itself
It breaks my heart when I see so many of you starving your desires, playing smaller than you are, not seeing how deeply worthy you are of goodness
Yes Please:
- Money in the most raw, real, human AF, dark & light, grounded erot.c, painful and beautiful, nervous system gentle, sovereign remembrance
- Deep gratitude and reverence for the conditioning around money that you have, and slow steady safe exploration of your edge
- Masculine/feminine or better said penetrator/yearner dynamics of money
- The art of moving from lack to longing; wanting more of this thing that taste so good
- No more asking nicely but now telling sky daddy what you need
- Go into the practicalities of money, no more taboo on numbers, learn how to really work with it
No, not this:
- another goddess money course
- toxic positivity ; more isnt better
- Making you overly responsible for your money manifestations
- Victim shaming
- Forcing you to 'just snap out' of your scarcity and ancestral programming
What People Are Saying Inside...

What if money wanted you as much as you wanted it...

The Deets
You will get access to EVERYTHING right as you purchase. So no dripping content;)
Are you ready for this lovership with money ?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this live or a recording?
I just need to learn how to charge more..
Do you offer refunds?
Is this only for women?
Do you do affiliates? More people need to know about this!
How is this connected to my relationships?

Elena Rossi
Just one session with Sophie was an absolute game-changer for me. It was not anything she said specifically to me. It was more her presence and quiet confidence around our money conversation. I sat back feeling deeply into her: “I want this! I want this quiet confidence around money.” I was inspired and infused with a sense of new peace and excitement. And I realised that it is all in my hands. The only person stopping me from making great financial abundance is myself. Something after our talk shifted on the inside. I went home and changed all my prices. And now I’m looking forward to the next time we meet again…

Juliet Lippman
When I think of Sophie, I think of a money fairy who has sprinkled abundance all over my business + life. Her expansive and deep money transmission has allowed me to truly claim what I desire, call it in with Integrity, and allow the cash flow to penetrate every part of my being with pure pleasure.

About Sophie
Sophie Josephina is a sex & relating coach and masculine/feminine expert.
She leads programs for both the masculine and the feminine and because of that, has a unique understanding of what both sides desire & need to be called into power.
As an ex data scientist, she knows how to walk both worlds, walking the bridge between tantra and neuroscience, the masculine and the feminine, the dark and the light.
She leads deeply potent programs for men (the initiation), womxn (healing the masculine) and couples. She also hosts a podcast (Deeper with Sophie Josephina) where she has open and raw conversations with men on their challenge and desires in relating. @sophie.josephina or

If you have a question, you can always find me on Instagram @sophie.josephina love <3
See you inside lovers!