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This is for the woman that wants nothing more but to be pushed up against that wall


to give up her reigns

to surrender into his arms

to not always be in charge

to trust him with all of her

to be powerfully vulnerable, taken care of, safe, held



HTM is a truly life changing program to...
forever heal your relationship to the masculine ... evoke him outside and in... and fully step into your biggest wildest surrendered self


Is this you?

  saying "where are all the good men?" a little bit more than you’d like

  dating people that can't really meet you, feeling like no man can really handle you

  soooo ready for your king but where is he?

  planning everything, the one that makes sure everything/everyone is taken care of, the rock - when actually you'd love to be the starfish of the group sometimes

  difficulty receiving compliments, praise, support, money, attention -  pro at “ah you look beautiful too”

  often feeling like men are emotionally unavailable, can't be trusted or it's not ok to need them for anything - when a part of you knows there's another way of being

  butting heads with your lovers, but don't totally get how to just 'bring in some polarity'

  wanting to soften to him, but often end up micromanaging and feeling dropped by him

  not the best boundaries, still feeling a little guilty when needing to take care of yourself

  feeling like your emotions are something that needs to be fixed

  trying really hard to be the chill one, the non needy one, the low maintenance, not like the other girls

  easily stuck in your head and cant always find that body of yours

  feeling like your worth has a lot to do with your productivity

   saying sorry a little too often, like when someone else bumps into you

  “I’m fine” is your secret mantra


Yes!!! This is me! ✨ Give me that waitlist!!


I was THE strong independent woman. A successful data scientist in the corporate world, in dresses and heels, providing, fierce, bad ass.

I was the rock for many. I wanted to be there for everyone. I always made sure everyone felt comfortable and seen.

I didn’t see that I was overdriving in my masculine. Overdelivering, overperforming, difficulty feeling, stuck in my head, suffering from anxiety and depression. I couldn’t sit still.

I was in a string of not-so-great relationships with unavailable men. Men that denied my inner world, thought I was dramatic, wrong. Men that shamed me and judged me for what I needed or wanted.

I felt like I was broken. That all I needed to do was fix my body, health, anxious attachment style, needs, desires, cravings.. and then all would be fine. If only I just worked harder..


I fundamentally did not trust men. I knew exactly where they needed to be better, do more, step up. From day 1, they needed to prove their innocence to me, not their guilt. I assumed they would hurt me. I wanted to be treated as a Queen, I wanted so badly those strong arms around me, but I made each man fight me to get there.  

I thought being feminine meant being sexy & being there for everyone.

And so.. I ignored my body, my sensuality, my vulnerability, my expression, my feelings, my inner world.

I was in a state of resisting what was inside of me.

I was in a state of constant relentless self critique

I have to do more, be better, skinnier, nicer, more successful, I should have more friends, more events, more festivals, more exercise, more doing doing doing.

And so I collapsed. I burned out. Badly. Like really really bad. My body gave up. I stayed in bed for two years. Severe gut problems, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, dissociation, heart arrhythmia, panic attacks, blocked nerves, the list went on and on.

This program is how I made my way out.

At my rock bottom, I reconnected with tantra, neuroscience and trauma in the body. I learned everything there was to learn about yin & yang, masculine & feminine, giving & receiving, presence & life.

I did deep work on healing my inner dude, on healing what the wounded masculine had taught me, and created a new masculine for myself.. one that wants nothing more but to hold loving space for life to flow.

I did deep work on reconnecting to my feminine, getting to know her, expressing her, feeling her, seeing her. I became vulnerable with the people close to me, I was finally seen.

And things shifted. BIG TIME.

I want this too! (waitlist please!)

what if this could be you..

  • You truly experience that there is an abundance of great men.

  •  You feel like men yearn for all of you.

  • Whenever someone gives you a compliment - you just exhale and let it in

  • You stopped waiting for “the king” and started seeing the greatness in every man.

  •  Whenever there is a lull in the conversation, you actually just lean back- Knowing that things will be totally okay 

  • You are no longer available for men who cannot meet you - without needing to look down on them.

  • You and your lovers know how to switch on the chemistry and PLAY.

  • You actively allow your partner to take the lead, even when he gets the car directions wrong

  • You make yourself a higher priority than the commitments you have previously scheduled. 

  • You know that nothing about you needs to be fixed because your humanness is your superpower

  •  You know in every cell in your body that your bigness is his nourishment.

  •  You express as much with your body as you do with your mind.

  • You feel so deliciously worthy – also– when you haven’t lifted a finger all day.

  • You no longer step out of the way when someone walks towards you.

  • You know it’s your sacred responsibility to speak your needs so that the masculine can serve you - and you loooove doing so

Over 600+ women have gone before you

✨Join the waitlist ✨


(and what will shift for you!)

I LOVE MEN, I honour them. I see them. I call on them. And they are. every step I take, they are there.

I have softened, become wilder, more alive

I surrender, I let go, I ask for help, I ask to be held

I feel deeply supported by my inner dude, my partners and the masculine in this world; They are now showing up without me even asking - ‘hey soph how I can support you in this?’

I don’t need to do it all alone anymore.

I feel my feels now and honour them fiercely.
I honour my Fuck Yes and my Hell No.

I am in my body, feeling it’s worth and beauty regardless of shape

I am becoming more and more vulnerable, completely changing my friendships. They feel ME now

Im pushed against that wall ;)

My intimacy is drenched in tantalising chemistry

Pleasure feels like my birthright, not something I need to work for

I am more TURNED ON. When my energies can flow, damn my s.x flows.

I flow with what is, as it is. Im kinder, more accepting, more trusting.

As I started to flow, life started to flow, things became EASY

This 👆 is what's on the other side for you after HTM

The Modules.

Healing the father

This module we will go deep in the
father-like masculine; the one that takes care of us, as well as the shadow feminine and the feminine polarity archetypes. And oh yes, you will receive a crash course on all things polarity

We will connect to the innocent feminine; letting her out to play.

Healing the culture &  inner dude

This module we will dive into everything we think we SHOULD be. overperformance, do-do-do, crazy shaming.

We deeply connect & start building up our relationship with our inner dude, and explore his shadows and gifts through the masculine polarity archetypes

We will connect to the wild primal full feminine.

Healing the partner

Deep healing work on our partners.

How can we step more into our feminine around our lovers, heal from our past lovers, + how to call our lovers more into their masculine power

this is the module of the seductress, the courtesan

Inner/outer polarity & maturation

Healing the relationship of our inner dude to our inner woman. How can we make sure our days honour both, and from there, explore the juicy world of polarity with the world (hint: sky daddy!)

This module we will connect to the mature feminine & masculine, do shadow work and deep juicy manifestation & integration.

AND yummy prework, foreplay & bonuses to help you really start this journey resourced, fully able to trust yourself, and partners to your own nervous system

Join the waitlist here 👈🏼

This journey will be supported by both the feminine and the masculine

Pleasure & Somatics. I’ve made sure each module is wrapped in pleasure and the body to carry our deep healing work and bring it beyond the mind

Different feminine energies; each module we will connect to a different flavour of femininity, so that you can explore the full spectrum


Trauma informed container: We will make sure all our healing is done honouring our nervous system, moving it through the wisdom of our body & the discernment of our mind so that we can release from a place of gentleness and safety

Meticulously structured & intentional container- I have build a deeply intentional container and structure, just like this page, because the more we feel the masculine safety, transparency and stability, the more we can let go and flow


Feel the difference between the two? … this is masculine/feminine living

Some of the yummy things you'll learn

  • 17 feminine shadows
  • 6 feminine polarity archetypes & 6 masculine polarity archetypes (Sophie's system)
  • a flirt day and a dude day
  • tantric practices like breast massage and s*x magic
  • shamanic practices that will release across lineages
  • the way of the courtesan
  • and so much more 😉

It's time to forever let him in

HTM is the only program you will ever need to forever heal your relationship to the masculine inside and out

and to remember your powerful, open, wild feminine ...

✨Join the waitlist here ✨

Here's what people have said before you👇

are you next love?

I want to be part of this oof!!

About Sophie

Sophie made this program because it was what she deeply needed years ago. Because she been there and it affected every area of her life. She spent years studying and learning everything that she is about to give you in this laser focused program

Sophie Josephina is a relationship and business coach and masculine/feminine expert.

She leads programs for both the masculine and the feminine and because of that, has a unique understanding of what both sides desire & need to be called into power.

As an ex data scientist, she knows how to walk both worlds, walking the bridge between tantra and neuroscience, the masculine and the feminine, the dark and the light.

She leads deeply potent programs for men (the initiation), women (healing the masculine, deep money) and entrepreneurs (claimed mastermind). She also hosts a podcast (Deeper with Sophie Josephina) where she has open and raw conversations with men on their challenge and desires in relating. 
@sophie.josephina or 